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WebDriver Customization

The jamine-maven-plugin ships with HtmlUnitDriver by default but it is also possible to change to any other WebDriver implementation and configure it with Capabilities.

Changing the implementation

The webDriverClassName parameter allows you to specify the WebDriver implementation you would like to use in place of HtmlUnitDriver. The WebDriver implementation must either have a constructor that excepts no arguments or a constructor that accepts a single Capabilities argument.

Here is an example using FirefoxDriver:


Setting capabilities

You can configure your WebDriver implementation using Capabilities as a simple String, List, or a Map. The capabilities are configured using the webDriverCapabilities parameter and you may provide multiple capabilities.

  • Capability as a String
  • Capability as a List
  • Capability as a Map

You will need to consult with your WebDriver implementation to determine what capabilities are possible. If a capability can not be provided as either a String, List, or Map then it is currently not supported.

Lastly, we do not test every possible WebDriver implementation with every possible permutation of capabilities so it is very possible that they will not work. Feel free to file a bug if you come across such a capability that you feel should be supported.


Configuring the default HtmlUnitDriver to use a proxy:


Configuring PhantomJSDriver with custom binary path and caching settings:
